We celebrate love. All love!
Our leaders do not have restrictions on the type of people for whom we will officiate at Humanistic Jewish lifecycle events.
We believe in full LGBTQI+ equality.
We believe that diversity is a positive value and a strength, whether racial, gender, financial, or neurodiversity.
Our inclusivity does not emerge from a need to make accommodation to demographic trends, it stems from our strongly-held convictions about full equality and the dignity of all people.
By determining what is right for us today, we are not breaking with Judaism but rather continuing the ongoing Jewish tradition that’s existed for thousands of years, of grappling with what came before and modifying it to meet current interests and needs.
Judaism is always what the Jews make of it. By recognising that Judaism has been a culture all along — by, for, and about people — we no longer need to claim a divine imprimatur to act on what we know is right. To some that might seem a radical inclusion. We just call it Humanistic Judaism.